Some Sites

posted by Gretchen

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I’m not feeling very inspired this week to write (which loosely translates to: I don't have time), so here are a few cool websites to check out in your spare time.

Simple Desktops: updated at least 1-2 times a week with new images

THXTHXTHX: humerous and clever

Anton Krupicka: legit

Sweetopia: This link is to a specific old post, but the entire site is very cool. And creative. And makes me want to own a bakery. Perhaps in my next life.

The end of catalog season is on the horizon, in clear sight, and I’m sorta glad. Houston in 10 days (woohoo!), and come February, I just may have a life again. You know, the kind where dinner is earlier than 8:00, church attendance is actually regular, and I don’t have to communicate with my roommates through text and email. Just maybe.

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