Psalm 145:13-14

posted by Gretchen

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Hold on to your britches... yet another post this weekend, and I'm not done yet. I like the number 4, so be looking for one more after this to come later today. Unheard of, I know!

I have to give full credit to my friend Stacey, for sharing this idea on her blog. She got the idea from another friend, so kudoos to her as well. So many things are passed around online; I get excited when I see something like this. These are the kinds of ideas that ought to be shared, yes? I don't feel bad for jumping on this bandwagon.

So the idea is to pick one verse, every week of the coming year and pray that verse specifically in your life throughout the week. Pray over people in your life, over tough situations, over your own heart, etc. And then see how God uses that Scripture to capture your heart and manifest itself in your life by the end of the week. I gotta say, I think I can keep up with this one and am excited to give it a shot. I don't know that I'll write about it every week, but I'll try to at least post my weekly verse. I do want to be intentional about sharing the verse with whoever it is that I'm praying specifically for. I think that would be really neat. Better than hearing "I'm praying for you" would be "I'm praying this exact thing for you and your life, today and every day this week, because you are on my heart in this way". Pretty awesome. So there you have it.

Verse for this week: Psalm 145:13-14

The Lord is faithful to all his promises
and loving toward all he has made.
The Lord upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down

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