It's the Little Things

posted by Gretchen

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I've been thinking a lot today about the little moments in a day and thought I'd write a few out...

I got up this morning from a warm bed, where I slept safely and soundly for 9 hours last night.

I walked to the kitchen, ate some toast and put on warm clothes.

I drove in a reliable car out to the lake for a long run.

I ran for over 3 hours on a pair of strong healthy legs (albeit at times a little broken down!) with good lungs and everything else working together properly.

I picked up fresh fruit from the grocery store on my way home, as well as had the money I needed to pay for a prescription that I called in last night.

I came home and enjoyed a long, hot shower with clean water.

I put on another set of warm clothes, and still had so many more choices hanging in the closet.

I cooked a late lunch and rested for a bit.

I was able to pick up a phone and have conversations with good friends.

I had a craving for chocolate chip cookies and got up to mix up the dough without a second thought.

And it was only mid-afternoon.


What did you do today without even thinking twice, that most people don't get to enjoy? How blessed are we?!

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