Finally have a moment to sit down and relay some hightlights of our Spring Break Campaign to Boulder, Colorado. Enjoyed being around such an amazing and diverse group of people; I know I haven't laughed that hard, that much, in a long time! So here are a few bits and pieces from the trip:
*4" of snow Sunday when we got there; driving the 15 passenger van on the ice
*hubcaps and the parking brake on the mini-van: full-coverage!
*boys staying at a 1.25 million dollar house
*walkie-talkies and driving in downtown Denver
*Sandy, the hugh German Shepard lion of our host family
*fitting 8-10 people in an elevator
*cleaning up a playground at the Acorn School
*hanging out with kids at the Mountain States Children's Home
*cooking 100+ pancakes in 20 minutes at the Homeless Shelter
*chocolate cake everywhere we went
*surveys at CU campus
*baby snake spaghetti
*the 7th grade dating game
*painting a bathroom with 5 coats of Kilz at Attention homes b/c paint tends to turn to a cottage cheese-like substance when it is frozen
*serving a meal with Dry Bones to about 40 homeless teens
*13th Street is not the same as 13th Avenue
*the British Pub
*12 hour drives and 3 drivers
*and not to be left out, "Dude, that's messed up!"
posted by Gretchen
Good times. You forgot to mention being lost everywhere we went and having no idea what was going on. I still don't think Ben knows where he is . . . :)