
posted by Gretchen

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Usually I like storms, I really do. I love listening to rain on a tin roof and the smell when you step outside right after a downpour...the feeling of being all bundled up in front of the fireplace with a good book or movie when it's thundering like crazy outside...watching a lightning storm flash across the sky...jumping through puddles and splashing mud everywhere. Can't go wrong with a good rain storm. But there are other kinds of storms in life as well. There are those that hit you when you least expect it and those that you kinda saw coming all along. This week has been a total storm for me. After coming back from a wonderful Spring Break, the curse of the portfolio hit me head on. I seem to have at least come out of all of that alive and in one piece (though it's not over yet), but there have been many questionable moments. On top of that, a few other situations came up this week that made me realize that I just have to let go of some things. Letting go isn't an easy thing to do, for it takes great trust when things are completely out of your control. It takes knowing that God has so much more planned than what is right in front of you at the moment. It takes giving up what you think you want and what you know you can't have. But it takes more than I can give right now. So in the midst of the downpour...a simple song...

Casting Crowns
Praise You In This Storm

i was sure by now
that you would have reached down
and wiped our tears away
stepped in and saved the day
but once again, i say "amen", and it's still raining

as the thunder rolls, i barely hear your
whisper through the rain, "i'm with you"
and as you mercy falls, i raise my hands
and praise the god who gives and takes away

i'll praise you in this storm
and i will lift my hands
for you are who you are
no matter where i am
every tear i've cried
you hold in your hand
you never left my side
and though my heart is torn
i will praise you in this storm

i remember when
i stumbled in the wind
you heard my cry
you raised me up again
my strength is almost gone
how can i carry on
if i can't find you

i lift my eyes unto the hills
where does my help come from?
my help comes from the Lord
the maker of heaven and earth

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