
posted by Gretchen

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Perspective is a funny thing to me. It's that moment when we step outside our everyday routine and see a picture beyond the norm. The moment that we can scarcely begin to get a glimpse of the awe-inspiring God who created such small insignificant beings. It's through our out-of-the-ordinary experiences in life that we can only hope to gain such insight into our Savior. Perhaps it's by getting outside our comforts zones and doing things we would never imagine doing otherwise--skydiving, persay. Maybe it's going on a mission trip and experiencing another culture and a new language. It could be trying to reach an understanding of the economic status of children living in the 3rd Ward in downtown Houston and realizing that not much separates us from them. Or maybe the experience is getting that phone call that there's been an accident, that things aren't going how the doctors first predicted, that life isn't working out quite how you wanted it to. Whatever it is, there are those life-changing moments that strike us and cause us to pause in our day. And it's then that I wonder what God sees, what His perspective is. Cause I would give a lot to be able to see what He sees, to see the outcome of the impossible situation, the end result, the 'gold at the end of the rainbow.' How amazing it would be to truly understand that all the little moments really don't matter because you've actually seen and know that they don't. I think we would live life so differently if only we could truly perceive more than our human eyes focus on from day to day. But then, I guess that's why God gives us those moments, whether good or bad in our eyes. To give us that little bit of perspective that we seem to lose from day to day. For those are the experiences that we remember, the times we keep revisiting in our minds, the ones that stick with us through the drudge of a long day. They are the moments that define our character and strength and give us an opportunity to change ourselves and the lives of those we encounter. To put our trust in God completely, knowing that though we may see but a glimpse, He always sees it all. So learn to rejoice in the good and the bad, to savor those moments of clarity, and remember that there are things in life so much bigger and greater than ourselves.

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