How Was Your Day?

posted by Gretchen

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I hate being so busy. I hate that school has to consume me right now. I hate that 2 am has become an early bedtime. I hate having to drag myself out of bed and straight to the coffee pot every morning. I hate how I've put time with God aside and how my Tuesday night Bible class has become a requirement instead of something to look forward to. I hate having to miss weekly dinner at DM and Em's. I hate not having time to sit down and share a meal with my roommates or friends. But most of all, I hate how selfish the last two weeks have made me. How I've been so enamored with getting my own things done, that I've forgotten to stop and ask others about their daily walk. To encourage those that just need a kind word and to simply be there to listen. I've grown selfish.

So to my roommates . . . couldn't have made it through the last two weeks without you guys; the cheesy chicken awaits us . . . as does 'National Mom's Day'! To the fam . . . you guys are amazing, thanks for the blueprints-for my project and for life. Happy Birthday to Stacey! Blessings to you! Chris, hope the soccer game was sick. Katy . . . my confidante and uplifter, the horse whisperer is in full force and Rosewood is all around you. Hi to M and Glenn . . . can't wait to see the new place. To an anonymous art teacher . . . this is ridiculous. Abbbbbyyyyyyy!!!! Hats off to the gormet chef. Ben . . . what are we doing with our lives? Amazing things, I am certain. And to everyone . . . Thanks for bearing with me amidst the stress. And . . . how was your day? What can I do to help you or pray about for you? Much love.

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