And We're Back...

posted by Gretchen

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Remember those paragraphs we'd have to write in grade school after returning from the holidays? "My Christmas Vacation" would be the title and each kid would try to outdo their classmates with the biggest tale and best gift. If you were lucky, you'd get to share your account last so that you could hear what you were up against and try to top Sally's trip to Disney World and Danny's new video game. I think I got that out of my system way back when, so I'll spare you the monologue.

All in all, a good week:
Travel time. (Fill up on gas in Roswell if you're making the trek on to Ruidoso. Especially if it's windy. Oh, and the gas gauge in a 4Runner will dip well below the white line before you run out. Just so you know.)
Tasty food. (Moose meat was pretty darn good.)
Snow fun. (The dogs LOVED it; Wyatt LOVED it... the day we left! 'More? More? More sled?')
Family adventure. (Oven doors sometimes fall off their hinges without warning. And yes, dogs can sled too...)

We are continually blessed. Here's a glimpse:

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