Building Hope

posted by Gretchen on , , ,

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Two posts about MP in one week, you ask? Why yes! It's been an amazing week for us here and just an exciting season overall; I can't help but share! After our Blog success early on in the week, we launched Building Hope on Wednesday – a campaign designed to raise the funds needed to build our missionary home on-ground in Ghana. Next summer, we will be sending two missionary couples to live in Ghana where their relationships and interaction there will allow us to be more effective and further our work to bring freedom to the kids still working on Lake Volta.

When I was in Ghana in March, we scoped out and purchased a 10-acre plot in Makongo for such a purpose; since then the land has been surveyed, and architectures are hard at work drawing up plans for the building. Our goal this month is to raise $60,000 to fund the building – a place for the couples to live as well as a place for family and supporters to stay while traveling over. The best part is, we have some incredibly generous people who will be matching every donation made this month up to $30,000.

Check out this video to see the design of the house and meet one of our missionary couples.

Fundraising is going so well, and we are just in awe of those who are supporting and affirming our work in Ghana in big ways. Our hope is that at least 150 families and individuals would get involved and truly share ownership of this home. More info can be found here if you'd like to join our efforts – it's not too late!

Topping the charts of excitement, a small group of us leaves for Ghana in less than three weeks, headed to rescue our first group of kids. We are so pumped about the culmination of this journey, about seeing God restore life for ~25 kids and return to share it all!

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