
posted by Gretchen on , , ,

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"Camping, even if only for one night, is worth it. There’s something so amazing about being outside for extended time. The unmistakable smell of the fire. The gratitude for an unexpected cool breeze. Waking up from sleep in the middle of the night and seeing the moon watching over you. It’s just a beautiful thing. Even the dirty feet, washing dishes in a tub of cold water, and long walks to the facilities. It’s so grounding.

I think camping, especially extended camping, might be the perfect reset button. The opening we all sometimes need to reassess. To notice what we can do without. And what is essential. It’s a chance to be still and feel a little wild all at once. I want to take that home and hold it there."


Love this little write up from Penelope Dullaghan, a brilliant creative and illustrator. There is just something about being outside, throwing all caution to good hygiene, and taking off on wild adventure that is the perfect reset for me. And so, Dad and I took off on a grand little 4-day excursion to scout the Whitewater-Baldy Fire aftermath in the "bowels of the Gila" as we later coined it.

We didn't get into as much burn area as I expected, but we did find a lot of unexpected trails, an eagle, a cave, several elk herds, deer, and a scarce amount of water. We learned to appreciate corn and green bean juice. More on that later. For now, here's the view driving in:

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