6 Months In

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Six months ago, I moved to Bryan and started working for Mercy Project. Crazy how that 'ole time flies. In some ways, I feel like I just got here; in others, I feel as if I've always been here and the 5 year stint in Dallas has faded in the distance. There have been a lot of transitions in the last 6 months: new friends and relationships, new church, new roommates, new town, new job... basically everything. But even in all of that, I feel like it's been so right and so good. I'm being challenged in a lot of ways, and I continue to learn more about myself and the grace of God every day.

In honor of month #6, here are 6 things I'm grateful for today in relation to moving here. In no certain order:

1. Dallas Buddies: I'm grateful for friends in Dallas who continue to make an effort to live life with me. This was one of the only hang-ups for me in leaving the Metroplex. I hated the thought of losing solid relationships, even though that wasn't a deal-breaker in the decision to leave. Luckily, those friends remain a big part of my life; they encourage, support, and offer constructive criticism in the best kind of way. (May there be many more Cabin adventures ahead.)

2. ComGroup/ComChurch: I wasn't sure where I would end up going to church, but I was certainly seeking a smaller congregation that was community/family-oriented and did not separate members based on their seasons of life. I didn't find perfection, but I found a group of people that seek to journey through life together – they are in each other's homes, sharing meals, and living out the Gospel in so many ways. It's been empowering for me to share life with our small group and be surrounded by people in various stages of life. I am no longer a face in the crowd.

3. Design: Another thing I was uncertain of in leaving Dallas was giving up the chance to learn from other designers and be involved in the creative atmosphere that I was in tune with in the advertising world. While that atmosphere doesn't look anything alike here in Bryan, I have been blessed to work on design projects with others and continue to build on my skills. My first print run of 2000+ pieces is rolling out next week!

4. Work: What can I say? I'm so honored to be working for Mercy Project, to get to use my passions for something that is lasting. I've been challenged to widen my job description quite a bit, but it's provided growth and comfort zone break-out – such positive things for me. I still have a lot to learn and make my share of blunders, but I like to think/hope the end results outweigh those things. I honestly can't imagine doing anything else right now, and am so grateful for those who encouraged me to take the plunge. My life is better because of it.

5. Exploring: I'm independent, but I hate big changes. Best combo ever. But it's been fun to find new running routes, the best places to eat, various city parks, the library, and just a new norm in general. As much as I protest it, it's good for me to "reset" every now and then. I've been able to do that here, and it's been quite rewarding.

6. Small Town: I love being able to get across town in 15-20 minutes, not having to schedule a time to go to the grocery store, being able to literally run down the street to pick up Redbox or go to the Post Office. I love spending 1.5 seconds on my commute, instead of wasting 1.5 hours of each day in the car. I'm grateful for the small town culture instead of the frantic, horn-honking city attitudes. I'm grateful for neighbors whose names I know and the sheer entertainment of the older man down the street who dries his newly washed car with a leaf blower once a week. I'm grateful for welcoming roommates and that I feel so much at home here.

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