Dress the Part

posted by Gretchen

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Well, it's the eve of the eve of departure. That night in which you're supposed to get the most sleep because you never really do the night before an exciting day. Eh, I doubt I'll have much trouble sleeping either night! Here's what I've been up to recently:

*geocaching with my friend Kristy
*cooking dinner and reading (Hunger Games = two thumbs WAY up)
*running at White Rock
*cleaning up computer files
*backing up pictures and clearing memory cards
*last minute items at Target
*pool time
*pay bills
*library trip
*Shakespeare in the Park
*coffee with my friend Emily
*more reading

Whew! Been a great weekend to just relax, get some things done, and have some peace.


And now, adventure awaits. As always, the most important thing to remember is how to "dress the part". I think I've got that covered. In case there's any confusion, this is me in about the only "outfit" I ever remember dressing up in... weird hat, horse, dog on a shoestring lease, purple purse, pink Hawaii shirt, gun, holster, sword, and Mom's plastic-y leather boots. Am I missing anything? I think not.


I have some friends in Uganda right now who are updating their travels on a blog as they visit orphanages and work on projects here and there. It's so fun for me to see how their lives are being touched by the people they encounter as well as by their teammates. I think this is one of the main things I am looking forward to this time around in Ghana: meeting new teammates and seeing familiar and new faces in-country. Each time over has had such a different dynamic (and therefore, impact) so I'm anxious to see how that will all pan out. And, of course, there is the fact that we are starting MP's very first economic development project... woohoo! Going to be amazing. Can't wait to share pictures and stories upon our return. For now, it's one more day of work, packing, and figuring out the timing of three DART buses to get myself to the airport on Tuesday. Epic-ness ahead. :)

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