Art Auction Recap 1

posted by Gretchen

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Success. Really, 'success' isn't a grand enough word. Spectacular, surprising, and humbling. Let's start there...

Great turnout for the Mercy Project Art Auction Thursday night. I had no idea who all had bought tickets to come, so it was fun to see those that came out for the evening, as well as meet new faces. It was a whirlwind of activity; in fact, if I had one complaint, it would be that it simply went by too fast! We set up in three hours, changed and were ready for people to arrive by 5:45. Here's what Downtown 202 looked like at that point:

TWO glasses and TWO forks... I was way out of my element... ;)

silent auction items...

large paintings on stage...

with artist info...

Then it was game on! Madden's dinner was amazing: salad, chicken, potatoes, and a fabulous coffee/dessert area that I'm told was quite tasty. Sadly, I never made it over there, which is sorta like going to a wedding and not getting any cake. Somehow I survived. We had silent auction time, Chris spoke, improvised in order to show a video, and auctioned off the large paintings.

clothesline of Lake Volta photos...


amazing auctioneer...

By 9:00 we were tearing down tables and easels, wondering what had just happened. I'm still not sure, other than the fact that $15,000 was raised for Mercy Project, and God showed up yet again. Winning!

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