Can You See?

posted by Gretchen


Just so you know, I fully intend to win the lottery between now and Thursday night so that I can buy all 8 of the paintings that are currently laid out in my bedroom. (Then I will need a house to display them in, but we'll cross that bridge at the appropriate time.) Seriously though, I am stoked about the caliber and variety of work that will be at the auction this week. It's so cool to see it all coming together and to see how each artist worked in their own personality, perspective and gifts. There is an oil painting, a mixed media piece, two acrylic pieces, a prismacolor, watercolor & ink, and monochromatic watercolor. No two alike. I am honored to have each piece to present for our event. I'm taking pictures of them all, but don't have everything uploaded just yet. Soon.

For now, here's how my piece turned out:

"Can You See?" : Mixed Media Collage

Much is going on in this piece; there is much to see – symbolic color and images, statistics and themes, allusions and obscurities. My hope in creating this work is not that you would grasp it all, but that you would find something here that resonates with you, something that stirs your soul. I can’t think of very many moments that have stirred my soul to the extent that meeting the children on Lake Volta has. It’s not an experience that can be put into words, so I am delighted to instead express my thoughts in a visual way. Lately, I have found no greater joy than in being able to do what I love to do as an artist and share with others the ways in which the sweet Ghanaian children have touched my heart.

And a few close-ups... click on any of the photos to get a better view.
Attaching fish net to the top and sides was quite the production!

All the names you see written in red are boys we met in May that are still out on the lake.

Check back in a few days to see how the auction went!


And for this week...
Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:8


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