Lake Volta: Heart. Captured.

posted by Gretchen

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As I mentioned in a previous post, Allison, Chris, Stacey and I reflected on our trip last Sunday at Heritage, on what it meant for us to be people of justice and mercy in Ghana. Stacey did a wonderful job of conveying thoughts from the lake, because while we experienced many touching moments throughout the week, there is, once again, something so powerful about looking into the eyes of a trafficked child. It's a look that proves the desperate need for us to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.

My heart has been captured by these beautiful African children, both free and still enslaved. And maybe Ghana doesn't capture your heart, but maybe Thailand or Nicaragua or California or the family next door does. Wherever it may be, I think we have a very serious role to play as God rescues and redeems His people, and I am certainly excited to see how that role plays out in my life. I want to be the kind of person who seeks justice and mercy for others.

I want this child, and every other child, to know the God who rescues.


A few last pictures and slideshow to come, rounding out the week-o-Ghana saga. Thanks for stopping by!

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