Hitting the Highlights

posted by Gretchen

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As I sit here this morning, I'm wondering what else to relate about our trip. I feel like there's so much, yet that the highlights have been hit already and perhaps you've had more than your fill! That said, I'll share a few last images from the week. More photos, less words!

This shot is courtesy of Joanne, who captured all the 'little details' of the journey. This is Rachel, me, Levi, Allison and Joanne out on the lake.

Two of my friends in art class...

Group shot with our painted shirts, courtesy of Stacey who is also writing of our excursion here. She's chronicling time much better than I have.

Can't leave this one out. Definite highlight. A new boy (green and yellow shirt in the middle) arrived just as we were leaving, so here the children are welcoming a new brother to the Village.

One of my favorite parts of each day... We joined hands each night (this shot is right before we left) to sing and pray over the kids, to say the Lord's Prayer and sing God is So Good. There's audio on the slideshow to come, but those moments were simply priceless.

And finally, the mischievous child with the killer smile.

Final Ghana post tomorrow... ish... check back...

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