Art of Can

posted by Gretchen

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Last weekend Amber and I went to see a really cool art show at the Galleria. It's a competition put on by Red Bull called the "Art of Can". Anyone can enter a piece of art in any form or media. The only stipulation is that it has to incorporate the Red Bull brand in some way. All the entries were really good, though we never figured out if the showcased pieces were the ones that were selected or if there were other winners within the selected pieces. Who knows, but it was fun to walk through and look at everything. Inspired me to be a little more creative for sure. Here are a few of the pieces, although I can't give you a great sense of scale...

This was the first piece we saw. Stretching about 6-7 feet tall, it's made of 600 migrating origami birds – made from Red Bull cans of course. They had a video showing the 47-day creation process. Dedication.

This was my favorite piece. Mixed media collage using Red Bull cans and boxes. Hard to show the dimensionality here, but very tactile with great texture and color use. Brilliant!

And the plane... This work was hung up above the rest and is indeed a full size replica of a Kirby, with a 20 foot wingspan. A 19-year-old student from Iowa created the plane from 9,000 cans of Red Bull – and drove it 18 hours on a flatbed trailer to get it here. Impressive.

This artist based her art on the 'contents' of the Red Bull can. The picture won't do it justice, but the cans are held up by (I'm guessing) that liquid foam that solidifies upon drying. The foam is painted more and more the further down you draw your eye, splashing the logo with color. In a picture frame. Great concept.

And finally, the 'Robot Red Bull Dog Meets Fire Hydrant'. Created by a chef and artist from Florida, this piece was sculpted in a mold and then built out. Too fun.

And to think I've never even had a Red Bull before...

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