Sunday Morning Routine

posted by Gretchen

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I seem to have established a Sunday morning routine over the last month or two. In general, I'm not really one for sleeping in. As Dad would say, "Wake up, you're burning daylight." I hate the feeling of getting up and realizing half the day's gone, and I missed it, even on Saturday. So on Sunday, I've been getting up around 7 and enjoying time to myself (the roomies like to sleep late). Coffee and muffins (or some sort of yummy breakfast) are a must, followed by writing out a new verse for the week, journaling, reading, and reflecting on the week or whatever is on my mind. 9:00 takes me out the door for a run, either listening to a sermon podcast or just continuing the quiet time – which breaks my norm of always listening to music while running. Then back for clean-up and off to church.

I don't say all that to tell you how good I am at spending time with God – quite the opposite actually. I am terrible at devoting time each day to reading, praying, or just being in the presence of God. I've always had a hard time making that a habit. But it's amazing how much more relaxed and peaceful my week is after this Sunday morning time. Being able to pray over the week ahead and to gain that 'fresh start' is just huge for me.

I would like to say I do this every morning, but that's not even close to true; however, it's something I do want to be working towards.

Anyone else have a cool 'ritual' that gets them charged up for the week? Would love to hear about it!


New verse of the week, from Malachi 3:10:
"Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

This one is a favorite of mine, and one of those that's always applicable regardless of where I'm at in life. I love the idea of God pouring out so much blessing on his people that it's an unfathomable event, that we can't even comprehend how to take it all in. While I realize the context of this verse hinges on giving/tithing/offering, I know there are so many moments in life that we are called upon to trust God, to give our doubts and fears to Him, to rightfully test Him and see the floodgates thrown open on our behalf.

A few verses after this one reads, "Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name. 'On the day when I act,' says the Lord Almighty, 'they will be my treasured possession.'"

I love that. That sends much encouragement to my often anxious little mind. So I'll be praying Malachi 3:10 this week. That I would be a giver, even on days when I feel I have nothing worthy to give. And that as I lay things before God, He will listen and remember, and surprise my life – and the lives of those around me – with blessing upon blessing. Not because of my faithfulness, but because of His love and goodness.

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