A Note

posted by Gretchen

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To the Two Guys at Crooked Tree This Morning:

Thank you for your kind conversation. (I’m not one to stick my nose into another’s business, but I couldn’t help overhearing as I sat a mere 10 feet away.) I generally try to steer clear of religious debate with people, but I sincerely appreciate your logical arguments and concerns over a current situation circulating this week. It’s refreshing to know that there are people who can sit down and have an intelligent and loving conversation over spiritual issues. I find this to be rare and encouraging. I’m impressed at the way you both respect the opinions of the other, at the way you know how to listen to another’s viewpoint, at the genuine concern you seem to have for those who would claim to be spiritual leaders. Thank you for reminding me that healthy, public dialogue and appropriate questioning of 'faith matters' is not only possible, but certainly necessary, for those of us who would claim to be Jesus-followers.

The Curly-Headed Girl in the Corner

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