Thoughts from the week...

posted by Gretchen


Watching the Food Network while on the treadmill really isn't the best idea. I think my stomach is still reeling...

If I ever have the need to clean up after a dead body someday, I will certainly utilize the vacuum at the Shell station down the street. I went to clean my car out this afternoon, and darn, that think will suck the life out of you if you're not careful! (Perhaps I should not have watched Sunshine Cleaning this week... It was terrible anyway.) For $1.25, you too can wipe the evidence clean...

If I had a quarter for every time I thought about sitting down to update the 'ole blog, I'd have enough funds to operate the previously mentioned vacuum for the rest of my life...

Moving on, last night at Conversation Cafe, we discussed some really great stuff. Some really tough stuff. Like what it means to be radical in living out our faith. And how our generation has become too "safe" in our Christianity. I was convicted and challenged. And I think that's where it all begins. I'm grateful for times like that and for people who are willing to dig deeper...

Brown paint does not cover as well as black, and white covers even less. This I know, but it was once again impressed upon me as I have undertaken hours of painting this week in preparation for the big craft show extravaganza this weekend. Market in the Meadow. Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 11-5. We'll be in the center gym area; come by and say hello!

Scrambles eggs at downtown diners... yes, please...

A few nights ago we enjoyed having some people over to cook out and celebrate Kathleen's birthday. Three things stuck out to me from the evening. 1: $1.50 "single-serving" grills actually cook much better than I initially thought. 2: I want to be more intentional about having people over for dinner and conversation. I forget what a blessing that really is and was glad for the reminder the other night. 3: You can never go wrong with chocolate cake and sprinkles...

Went to the printer this week to pick up another round of wedding invitations I was working on for a friend. Also, our relay shirts are being printed right now. It's really a lot of fun to see design projects in those final stages and then (hopefully!) to have a good final product. Makes the work getting to that point so worthwhile...

Sleep is for the weak...

Three weeks from RIGHT NOW we'll be taking off for Houston on foot. S-c-a-r-y! I mean... E-X-C-I-T-I-N-G! Everything seems to be falling into place really well in preparation for our endeavor. I'm anxious to see how it all plays out. If you are still wanting to help support The Mercy Project, it's not too late! Please send any donations you'd like to contribute; a big thanks to those who have already done so...

Excited about a fun weekend with Mom and M. Pictures to come!


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