I'm Your Favorite Deputy!

posted by Gretchen


Trunk or Treat was a hit on Sunday night. We were able to get in a few hours of cake-walking, face-painting, ring-tossing, picture-taking, cupcake-decoration, craft-making, and trunk-visiting before a massive thunderstorm rolled in and sent us running for cover. Because of Amber’s love for Buzz Lightyear and all things Toy Story, we dressed up as Jessie and Woody and decked out the back of my car like Andy’s room. Pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. (We were missing the Bucket O’ Soldiers, but didn’t want to get too political with the décor.) Anyway, everyone went all out and there were some fabulous costumes and decorations. Hope the kids had fun; we sure did!

The next few days include a little bit of actual work at the old stomping grounds, last minute errands, laundry, rest, and final preparations for heading to Houston on Thursday night. Woohoo!


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