Monday thoughts... posted on Tuesday

posted by Gretchen

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I ate pizza for breakfast. Sometimes I do things like that. And I feel like it's ok.

One more episode of LOST has been viewed. At the moment, Said is my favorite but don't hold me to that. Dare I say this could possibly rival Alias?

Maintanence people aren't always the brightest crayons in the box. Not a good thing when the microwave dies, the kitchen floor starts coming up, and the bathtub drains stop working – all within the course of 2 days.

Logged 30 miles last week. Felt really good.

What is it about human nature that keeps us from being real with each other? Cause those times when we actually are... incredible things tend to happen.

Good coffee is an essential part of any workday morning.

Hayward Field would've been a great place to be last week/weekend. Two thumbs up to Bershawn Jackson for his performance in the 400 hurdles. Size is not always a direct correlation to speed.

Top 5 Movies: LOTR (counting the trio as one), Patriot, Pride and Prejudice, Braveheart, and Robin Hood. Man from Snowy River comes in at the 5.5 spot.

PowerPoint should be banned from use. Word ought to be eliminated as well.

A lesson: Be slow to give up and quick to give hope.

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