A Little Diddy


posted by Gretchen


Thanksgiving Break...
A few days I did take,
Tuesday night began the trip,
Work Wednesday through Friday I sure did skip.
That night at Katy's, I lay my head,
She's my best bud, and that's enough said.
Then home was calling for Abby and I,
Once I got her outta bed, to Canyon we did fly.
What there was waiting for I?
None other than Mom's blueberry pie.
For the following week already I know,
I should run instead of eat, and that is for sho'.
Played some stick and some soccer with the hyper Jessie pup,
And a horse ride the next morning was worth getting up.
Turkey and fixin's were the fare for the day,
Though that hot pineapple is my favorite, I surely must say.
Little W called us at last,
"Pa, Grammy T, Aunt Gretch--get on down to A-town and hurry up fast!
Cause two weeks old I now am,
And every moment deserves the video cam!"
All weekend long, we sure did relax,
No sign of computers, telephones, or fax.
Great food, a few games, and a movie or two,
The blessings of good company are far from few.
For in the midst of uncertainties, it sure is nice to know,
Your family's got your back, wherever you may go.
Hope your Turkey Weekend was as good as mine,
For God is ever present by many a sign.
So despite the unknown, we will give thanks,
For family and friends are worth more than our banks.


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