
posted by Gretchen


Finished reading Freedom of Simplicity this last weekend and enjoyed the perspective of it all. A lot of radical thoughts presented, good ones. Most striking to me were the following quotes of Foster:

1. "What is our world like? Nearly two and one-half billion are culturally outside the present scope of Christian witness. They die without hearing, without knowing."

Does this mean that there are people who have "heard" the message, yet are unable to see it put into action? Have they heard of Christianity and some man named Jesus yet have never gotten to witness love, kindness, and encouragement from another? That being the case, I am struck at such a statement for it is in witnessing the love of Jesus that people truly meet Him face to face. There's more to it than just telling people about Christ; we must be true witnesses of what it means to know Him.

2. "You know it is possible to say 'No,' and it is possible to say, 'Lord,' but it is not really possible to say, 'No, Lord.'"

Many thoughts have entered my mind regarding these words over the last week. So many in fact that they can't really be explained. I'll just let them speak for themselves. Blessings~


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