...Well, Maybe a Little Somethin'

posted by Gretchen


I'm also inclined to feel incredibly grateful; thankful for the time I have been given with my Dad. Oh, how your perspective changes when you're struck again with how short life really is on this earth. So...Happy Late Birthday, Dad! (It was Monday) I have been so blessed in the memories we've shared together over the last 22 years. So here's some things I will always remember/love about my Dad...

*going to the Father/Daughter Valentine Banquet at church in elementary school
*cooking elk steak and deer sausage over our campfire in the backyard
*the day you surprised me and picked me up from school with our first horse Daisy
*the sandwich in the tree incident
*the way you put your family first before your job
*picking corn at Granny and PaPa's farm, chopping corn worms and then carrying that tradition on to our own garden
*how proud you are of your tractor and how you'd really be quite satisfied to be a simple farmer
*how much you love that puppy
*how you get us to the ski slopes a couple hours early just so we won't miss a single minute
*how you take care of the 'ole Exploder
*how you know the importance of escaping into the wilderness every year and find such joy in your adventures
*how much care you take in building a campfire, pitching a tent, and reading maps and how you've taught us those things too
*how we're gonna be on the Amazing Race together someday
*the little gifts you give Mom just because
*how you brought back purpleheart wood from Guyana and worked hours to make me a special box
*wahoo battles
*the time we rode in the rain in the Pecos
*playing spades and usually winning when DM went blind nello every hand
*pushing me on a swing as a little tyke
*our outing in Albuquerque one year instead of my going to prom
*how hard you work for the church youth group even after DM and I have left
*riding in Palo Duro and Caprock Canyon
*how you don't really like to smile in pictures
*Saturday morning omelets and burritoes
*our love for blackberries and blueberries
*your love of Western movies and terrible classic country music
*how excited you get over your "Santa" gift each Christmas
*how you encouraged me in training for the marathon and ran along with me during the race
*your constant love and support

Oh, how I could continue for quite some time... love you Dad.


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