posted by Gretchen


Well, I haven't updated in a while cause there just hasn't been a lot to say...but, it's finally here. Camp of the Hills is just around the corner as I'm packing my plastic bins and heading outta Canyon on Saturday. Yessssss..... Part of this was posted on another blog, but I thought I'd share some memories from previous summers and what I'm looking forward to this year.

There's no way to relate every story, every child, or every way camp has changed those who have been there. It has certainly changed my entire outlook and perspective on the physical and spiritual needs of so many people...but here's a small taste from 04 and 05...wasp killing or lack thereof, "The Ride," Robert's thumbs up during crucifixion one night, the Smithwick church, Death by Chocolate, the Oliver's rooster, color dance, ham logs and ham salad, the "flowers" week, Sam Adams, Cassandra, JaShaun, Hollie, Shakira, Poppy, Autumn, and TeT Petite to name a few, the first time I saw crucifixion and every time after that, the moments when I realized it's really about the resurrection, turtle hunting, two insane week 7's: one with Patsy and the girl's of G3 and one Wed. military night, SS retreats at the Germany's and Whitman's,...I look forward to meeting many new faces and seeing the ones I already know as well, listening to a child read out of the Bible for the first time, talks on the breezeway, challenges beyond any I've faced yet growing from them, Friday night banquets, watching the kids pile off the vans and not wanting to load back up on Saturday, enduring attitudes from a few campers knowing that you have the opportunity to pour the love of God out to them in exchange, watching the counselors give selfishly of themselves, witnessing the innocence of these children who have been through so much...

If there was any way to sum up what COTH means to me, it would be this: walking up to the front porch for the first time in May 04 knowing one person and intending to leave after 4 weeks and now being able to leave at the end of this summer 3 years later, having known the most amazing children, knowing God will carry on the work in the future no matter who's there... it's walking away having met my very best friends in this place, men and women of God who I will continue to have relationships with for years to's the moments that you will never be able to relate to anyone other than those who lived through it with you...


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