The Last Few

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The last few days have been fantastic, and by fantastic I don't mean in a time-of-my-life sort of way but rather a time-to-relax-with-nothing-planned-and-nowhere-to-be sort of way... to the point that I spent much of the weekend studying a list of things to do and then just watching the Olympics.

Finished up a painting last week, of which my favorite piece is this top photo. I'm not a real cutesy heart type, but I love how this part turned out. "Love fiercely" (which you can barely see in the top right) was part of the painting that described the friends who were the victims recipients of this piece. They love people so well and are already missed.

Along with a final dinner for the above mentioned friends came crockpot chicken. I hence forth declare that I shall never cook a whole chicken in any other fashion. So tasty – and props to whoever invented crockpot liners.

Books, books, and more books. I've been so busy the last few months that I haven't done a whole lot of reading. But this is a "quieter" season of life (at least, today is), and so I'm soaking in every page I can get. Is there a limit on how many books you can read at one time? (I count 13 here...)

And I can't leave out a trip to JJ's, the local snow cone stand. Apparently it's the Cajun Cones of Abilene. I don't know if I can make that bold of a judgement call based on one visit, but the Blackberry/Yellow Cake Batter did not disappoint. It's like a rite of passage into summer... now that summer's nearly over. Great timing.

I'm also becoming a fan of Instagram, although I have a few misgivings about it taking away from the legitimacy of good photo editing. But hey, if it can make a crockpot look good, I'm in. Although my current 7 photos are less than exciting, a trip to the mountains is about to revolutionize my scarce Instagramming world. Get ready.

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