Oh the Anticipation

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Next up: ANTICIPATION. The primary goal of this trip was to implement our first aquaculture project at Adovepke. The tools and equipment had been purchased, hours of research done, fish food picked up, and the fingerlings en route – all the puzzle pieces started fitting together. Monday was the day to get the cages in the water, and our last day out on the lake. I was pretty anxious about everything coming together and getting done in time before we had to leave, but God was so faithful in His timing. We arrived back at Adovepke after leaving the Makongo masses and split into 3 teams. Some of the girls went to hang out and play with the village kids, Chris/Fred/I continued interviewing trafficked kids, and the rest of the crew finished out the fish cages along with the fishermen. Here's the finished product:

Josh spent time teaching the fisherman the process of feeding the fish as well.

Our friend King arrived with the fingerlings, and it was suddenly "go time". We had to get the baby fish in the water as soon as possible so quickly loaded the nets and anchors up on a boat and scoped out the right depth for anchoring the cages. (For the record, I use the term "we" loosely here; I'm the one in red below that looks like a "many, many photo" tourist with two video cameras and my Nikon. Yes, I used them all...)

Chris and Josh jumped in the water to get things set up, and before we knew it, the cages were in place and ready for the fish. 

It was a very surreal moment. For so long, we've been working towards this time, taking risks and dreaming big, praying for a solution that would help bring freedom to the kids. As I burned through photo after photo of the moment, I looked up to see one of the trafficked boys we had just interviewed watching everything take place. He didn't know it at the time, but one day he'll make the connection and realize that those fish cages and the partnership they represent brought him new life and the chance at a future. Looking back to shore, the entire village had come out to watch as well, along with all the other trafficked kids that we now call by name. There wasn't much time to process the moment then, but it was so rich and profound. The anticipation of that afternoon was met with so much joy and affirmation of what God is doing in this place.

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