Well, the fearless 4 have returned – with all our bags, which I assure you was a feat in and of itself this time around. We had a fabulous trip including (but not limited to) mango trees, goats, village meetings, tro-tro (bus-type transport), plane, and boat adventures, chiefs, lots of laughter, cultural and economic learning, and many sweet, sweet children.
This morning I find myself a bit overwhelmed. There are phone calls to make, laundry to put up, emails to write and return, notes to type up, mail to sort, donations to track, pictures to upload, pictures to edit, journaling to complete, family and friends to catch up with, Guinness baseball prep to do, and countless other tasks. Where to start?! I can't even make a proper to-do list, which you all know is a daily requirement for me. And that's all before any attempts are made to account for missing 8 days of ice cream, coffee, and running.
But I woke up incredibly content this morning and am trying to just embrace and rest in the overwhelming. What a great place to be in. I was warned that this would happen, but I can 100% say without the slightest hesitation, "I can't believe I get paid to do this!" I never thought that I could have a "voice" to speak for something so important to the Kingdom, that I would one day be using my gifts in this manner (expanded post on that to come). I am humbled. I've said before, but I have much to learn; I constantly desire to do more and be more than I am. I continue to be in awe of God's graciousness. But for now, in this moment, I want to simply acknowledge the ways He is moving.
And now, there is a chocolate chip apricot bar recipe to try, lists to make, errands to run, and one incredibly dirty camera bag to clean.
Stay tuned for trip photos and recap. And thanks for your thoughts and prayers this last week. They were felt and appreciated.
posted by Gretchen on Ghana, personal, work
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