
posted by Gretchen on ,

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I was a pretty terrible sculpture student. Unfortunately, the class was a requirement for all art degrees, and while the professor was one of my favorites, my 3D abilities were quite lacking. My projects usually went like this: don't know what to do... don't have any ideas... can't think of anything... 48 hours til the due date... GREAT IDEA!... execution... class critique.... epic fail. All my "brilliancy" down the drain as I looked over the other student's work and realized that my piece better fit an elementary school art project. Bronze was my only saving grace – and even that was a stretch.

And so, I appreciate great sculpture. I think it takes a very unique mind to come up with some of the amazing and innovative pieces we see today. I came across this really creative sculptor via this really great illustrator's site earlier today. Pretty incredible. 

This clever piece, titled Scarp, uses 5,000 articles of clothing – on loan from Goodwill. It's a comment on American consumerism and the overflow of landfills. More info here.

And this one – Military Carving By the Book – is an army man replica made out of books that were written on the subject of war. War opinions aside, it's pretty ingenious. Oh, and it's hollow so that transportation would be easier. Found here.

A little Friday inspiration. Cheers!

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