
posted by Gretchen

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Hunting started at an early age in the Nickson household. We had those BB-guns aimed and ready to shoot by the age of 3. Ok, not really, but we did get to go out with Dad chasing pheasant, quail, deer, elk, etc. growing up. I especially was fond of those occasions, since I got to hang out and do 'guy stuff' for the day. I remember being deeply upset the few years that I made the All-Region Band: the final concert was always the opening weekend of pheasant season. Weird, I know.

Can't say that I've done a lot of hunting lately. Not really a favorite hobby for Dallasonians. And honestly, I don't have a deep desire to go out and kill something right now, although there's plenty of game in my freezer. But I am grateful for those memories and lessons in safety and responsibility.


Check back: Updates to come on Mercy Project and our Guinness World Record Fundraiser that will be going on just 7 weeks from now!

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