1,000 Cupcakes

posted by Gretchen

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One large cup of Hazelnut coffee, and the week has begun.

Beautiful weather this weekend, great for running and spending time outside. Kathleen and I enjoyed Sprinkles cupcakes at the park on Saturday. (Side note: According to the lady that checked us out, they start at 4 AM every morning and make over 1,000 cupcakes each day. Wow.) There was a small incident in which I unceremoniously dropped my cupcake on the ground. I blame it on the wooden fork. But don't you worry, I still ate it. (It was, after all, from Sprinkles.) Aside from that, really enjoyed hanging out and catching up on life with a dear friend. It's way too easy to convert our conversations to text and email, of which I am guilty of way too often. But I really want to make face-to-face convo a priority as much as possible. Makes a different in relationships and in sharing life together.

Verse of the week, if you happen to be tracking with that:

Whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is noble,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable –
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy –
think about such things.

Phil. 4:8

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