Glee & Gingerbread

posted by Gretchen

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Fridays alway seem to come at just the right time. Right when you're totally exhausted and don't think you can make it another week day, Friday morning arrives. Love that.

I must admit, I haven't really gotten in the holiday spirit yet. I'm not anti-Christmas (except for maybe the music) or anything like that, it's just that it hasn't felt like Christmastime with 60 degree weather (which I love, love, LOVE!) and lots of other activity taking precedence right now. However, I watched A Very Glee Christmas this week and am now full-speed-ahead ready to decorate, bake, wrap, and all the rest. I'll admit Glee can be a little... odd; but this episode was brilliant and fabulous and enjoyable enough to watch a second time. That's right.

So, bring on the tinsel. And the lights. And the gingerbread cookies.

Speaking of gingerbread cookies... One of my favorite childhood Christmas memories is making gingerbread cookies with M each year. Josh, Jeremy, DonMark, and I would all go together to bake. M would usually have the dough already made and we'd spread out on the table with flour and cookie cutters and go to town. There was lots of eating and maybe a few flour fights, but the day always ended with delivering a plateful of cookies to various friends from church. Here we are in '94 gathered around the table.

Thank you, M, for such a fun tradition!


Much going on here, but check back over the weekend for another post or two. I have a few in the works if I can just find time to sit and type!

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