
posted by Gretchen

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I just finished reading Francis Chan's Forgotten God about the Holy Spirit. Although I liked his first book Crazy Love better, this one certainly had a lot to offer. My favorite part of the book was a quote from the introduction. Before he even delves into the chapters of the book, Chan makes this statement:

"I refuse to live the remainder of my life where I am right now, stagnating at this point. Don’t get me wrong: God has already done so much in my life, and I am grateful for it. I’m just convinced there’s more. There’s more of the Spirit and more of God than any of us is experiencing. I want to go there – not just intellectually, but in life, with everything that I am."

Even as I read through the following pages of the book, I kept returning to those words on the first few pages. I love the audacity of such a remark, the freedom with which he makes such a bold claim. I love that Chan's words are really resonating in my life right now.

I want so much more than where I'm at right now. Not because I think I deserve more or long for more in an earthly manner (although sometimes guilty of that as well), but because I truly believe that where I am now isn't 'it'. I truly believe God has more work for me to do, more people for me to reach, more adventure for me to discover, more in store for me than where I find myself at the time being. And more likely than not, it'll be quite unconventional, but I SO want to go there and cannot wait to see what more He brings my way.

Perhaps further thoughts on this book to come...

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