From Panera

posted by Gretchen

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Yesterday I kinda hit this 'cannot-stand-to-be-in-the-house-any-longer-cause-I'm-not-getting-anything-done' wall. So this morning I packed up and headed to Panera where I now sit with my hazelnut coffee, ready to tackle another day. Of course I have to sit facing the door, cause it would drive me crazy not to, and I must say, quite an eclectic mix of people have entered this morning. At the table next to me there is a group of Census workers having some type of meeting. They are WAY too excited about life. What exactly do they do anyway? Across the room is some sort of pregnant ladies convention. They are also way excited about life. Moving on...

Today I'm working on building a website for my portfolio. It's basic, but will at least be something. I'm also brainstorming art/craft projects for Ghana (let me know if you have any amazing ideas) and working on a logo.

Headed to Canyon this weekend and looking forward to that. I'm due a 'get-outta-Dallas' trip. (now refraining from the further use of hyphenated phrases, don't worry) Time with Wyatt and Emme, Ghana shots, cooking with Mom, wedding shower, working on my car with Dad, 'frisbone' with Jesse... should be good. Also pretty pumped about taking some ranch pictures and riding. Overdue in both cases.

VISA is in the mail and am officially less than 2 months away from being in Africa. Woohoo! Have I mentioned the excitement level? Perhaps I should be sitting with the Census workers (not to be confused with the Mommy Club) ...

American Idol Finale tonight. Hoping Lee will end up with the win, but don't really care. Crystal's pretty good too and she has awesome hair. For the record, the LOST Finale was 2.5 hours of amazingness. Yes, there were some cheesy Jurassic Park moments, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed the way it concluded. (Ok, everything but the Hurley-Ben duo.) Now that I understand the bulk of it, I want to watch it all again from the beginning. :)

Finished Forgotten God the other day and really enjoyed it. I'll try to get some thoughts up on that before leaving for the weekend. Rachel and I toured The Bridge yesterday afternoon, one of the projects initiated in 2008 by the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance. I've been in several homeless shelters/transition housing, but I must say, this is by far the nicest I've seen. Two thumbs up to the people running that place.

Thought to ponder for the day: "The thing about human life is there's no control group, no way to know how any of us would have turned out if any variables had been changed." –from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I highly recommend this one, at least the first third of the book. Unfortunately, I didn't get it finished before having to turn it back in to the library, which is what happens when you try to read 4-5 books at one time. Anyway, it's really good, though sometimes crass and always brutally honest. Which is what I appreciate about it, I think.

Eh, better get to work, since I'm not YET getting paid for being a writer. However, when that day comes, I assure you I will have a suitable pseudonym. No need to reveal any further insanity than is already presented here.

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