A Crumbling Court

posted by Gretchen

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I went exploring this evening and found some old abandoned tennis courts set back from the road a bit. The nets were torn and tattered. The court surface was cracked and crumbling. The gates were hanging on their hinges and paint had flaked off the wooden benches and boundary lines a long time ago. But oddly enough, the lights were still working. It was a good place to go and sit.

God has some pretty creative ways of humbling us. Sometimes it comes in the form of a specific encounter, through another person or eye-opening experience. But then there are times that God chooses to reveal Himself to us in ways not based on anything concrete. It just sorta happens, rather subtly.

So have I been humbled today. I think God's been waiting for me for awhile now. Waiting for me to stop trying to be in control, to stop trying to fix things that I can't. Waiting for me to grow weary of trying to make things happen as I think they ought. Waiting for me to listen and trust. Waiting for me to turn to Him and surrender what should've been left in His hands long ago.

Whew. That's a lot of waiting. And I wonder sometimes why God would care to stick around. But that's just it.

He's a God who cares.

He's a God who loves.

And He's a God who heals.

And that's worth trusting in and seeking. That's worth the moments of hurt. That's worth admitting our faults. That's worth letting go when we need to.

Because in His goodness and patience, God continues to make beautiful things out of broken people. And that's worth it all.

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