
posted by Gretchen

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Last week at Bible Study one of our questions was 'Which fruit of the spirit seems most evident in your life right now, which one can you relate to, which one stands out to you the most'? I didn't really have a great answer at the time, but 'faithfulness' has continued to pop into my head over the last week since that discussion. Faithfulness. I can't count the number of times recently that something has made me think about that word, that something has reminded me of it. Time and time again it has surfaced in my thoughts and in situations going on around me. Is God trying to tell me something through this? Maybe, maybe not, but He has certainly reminded me of His faithful presence. Some thoughts that have come to mind...

*Faithfulness is celebrating 4 years together with countless more to come.(Happy Anniversary, DM & Em!)
*Faithfulness is being there for your children even if you don't know what to say.
*Faithfulness is going 10 miles when you only have the strength and desire to make it 2.
*Faithfulness is serving a child over and over without any return for your work.
*Faithfulness is taking care of your family even when they continue to cause you hurt.
*Faithfulness is continued commitment to a work that hasn't gone the way you might have hoped it would.
*Faithfulness is staying.
*Faithfulness is sitting on a porch swing with your spouse.
*Faithfulness is sticking with it day in and day out.
*Faithfulness is returning to God when you're broken, tired, and don't feel like you have much to offer.
*Faithfulness is "I'm not going anywhere".
*Faithfulness is trusting that God's plans are a lot bigger than the ones you try to make.

For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.
Psalm 33:4

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them – the Lord, who remains faithful forever.
Psalm 146:5-6

Where do you see faithfulness around you?

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