
posted by Gretchen

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Hmmm.... it's been awhile. I'll hit the highlights:

*Work is crazy busy. By crazy busy, I mean absurdly crazy busy and lots of overtime and deadlines. Had a little Halloween fun last Thursday. More on that later. Maybe some pictures. Otherwise, it's nose to the grindstone. Impatiently awaiting HR to hurry up and decide how to make my position for real.

*Went to Boles Children's Home Sat/Sun with the Prestoncrest group. Brought back the days of dorm life as 25 of us were in one building - 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms. Weekend fun included lots of Disney karaoke, Spades, Henley's all but twin, a church of 39, and a costume parade.

*I hate time changes. Forget an extra hour of sleep for one night. I walked outta work at 6:10 tonight and by the time I drove home, it was pitch dark. This is not good for my running routine. I'm gonna have to attempt getting up early, too early. This does not make me happy.

*You should be able to get music from other people's ITunes library and put it into yours. I don't care if that's "stealing music" or not. You should be able to share. There is too much good stuff out there and too many hours in each day to listen to the same songs you have over and over.

*Finished yet another Dekker book. He continues to prove himself brilliant. Next is line is the autobiography of MLK, Jr.

*I have a nephew coming in 3 weeks-ish. Get excited!!!

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