Check Out the Stars

posted by Gretchen

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Well, I wasn't going to post anything this weekend, cause I just don't have a lot to say. Or rather, I do, but couldn't ever put it all down in words. But I ran across this quote and thought I'd throw it in here:

"I have loved the feel of the green grass under my feet, and the sound of the running stream by my side, and the face of the fields has often comforted me more than the faces of men."
-John Burroughs, philosopher

Perhaps intended to be a bit depressing, but I see it as the fact that sometimes we can't explain everything that we feel and the only thing we can do is sit in the presense of God's creation and marvel that He is much bigger than everything going on. So from that viewpoint, I sorta like it.

Much going on this week. Last week of Camp of the Hills. 120 kids booked. Tired and ready to be finished, knowing it's time to move on. Last crucifixion, praise the Lord. Much transition ahead. And my best friends to say goodbye to, as well as this place. It's going to be tough. Many more stories from the summer to come, but for now, I believe I'll go do some marveling at the stars. After all, they serve no true purpose, God merely blessed us with their beauty because He loves us so much.

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  1. Anonymous

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