Road weary, but so blessed...

posted by Gretchen

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15 runners.
30-35 miles each.
Minimal sleep.
New friends and old.
Countless peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
240 total miles.
5 kiddoes rescued. (technically equated from total event donations)

What an amazing weekend we had. I must say, it did my soul much good to get away for awhile and focus on something new, even if it was trying to figure out how I was going to survive 30+ miles on 2-3 hours sleep! But even more than that, it was important for me to refocus on Mercy Project and all the hopes and dreams we have for the kids still out on the lake. We were able to expand to two teams this year, enjoyed meeting new folks as well as friends from the run last year, and raised almost $6,000 from the weekend's efforts. So exciting!

I'm ashamed to report that I only took one picture this weekend, ONE, and it wasn't any good. Ha! But I know a few people got some team pictures and such, so I will hunt them down and see if I can get a few posted this week.

As always, a huge thanks to everyone for your prayers and support this weekend. It was so encouraging to read comments on FB, texts, etc. and know that we had so many people, many we didn't even know, cheering us on as we logged the miles.

Runners (or other brave souls), mark your calendars! Same weekend next year. 3rd Annual Run 4 Their Lives!

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