Dusty & Mary Jane

posted by Gretchen

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Welcome to Friday!

One thing I miss about being in a big city is the chance to just get on a horse and ride. Before Dad brought home our first horse, Daisy, I started hanging out at the WT Horse Barn. I was probably 10 or so when I started taking lessons and spent as much time out there as possible. Every year til we were 15, my friend Amanda and I went to as many of WT's summer riding camps as they would allow. Certainly my favorite thing ever (at the time). While most kids my age went to basketball or volleyball camp, Mom dropped me off at the horse barn. Here's a little glimpse from the good 'ole days.

This first picture is me with my favorite horse, Dusty. Dad actually tried to buy him at one point but that didn't work out. Too bad; he was fantastic.

At the end of every camp, the group would put on a 'show' for our parents set to music, which pretty much included riding around in coordinated circles. It was awesome. My friend Amanda is on the left, and I'm one horse in from her. I believe we were 15 this summer...

I also went to an English camp one year and LOVED it. Check out my sweet riding hat (they made us wear them for jumping). Also, this horse was named Mary Jane. Can't beat that.

Several updates coming up on the blog: relay pictures, an introduction to our new roommate, and a few other items of note. November is starting out to be a busy month already...

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