Attack of the Snuffle-bear

posted by Gretchen


So I went out for a run earlier this evening, dodging runners and walkers and battling it out with the gale forces. Rounded a corner and totally got attacked by one of these:

At the time, I was certain it was a cross between a black bear and Snuffleupagus (see the resemblance?), but I couldn't be sure.

All I know is, the thing veered into my path and was pretty solid upon impact. (No, I wasn't going to move out of the way for the beast; it was taking up the entire sidewalk!) Anyway, I totally could've taken it, but I figured since it was on a leash, the fight wouldn't be fair. So instead, I glared at its "handlers" and continued on my way...

What a day.

Here's to the next post being a bit more meaningful...


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