24 Hours Til Lift-Off!

posted by Gretchen

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And so it arrives... the weekend we've been planning for and anxiously awaiting is here. It's time to Run For Their Lives!

I spent some time out at White Rock last weekend and couldn't help but be reminded of the stark contrast between the lake here in Dallas and the one I know of in Ghana, West Africa. While White Rock isn’t the cleanest and most picturesque spot, it does boast a nice view of Downtown and provides a bit of an oasis in the middle of the busy city. The lake is lined with million dollar homes, many undergoing new construction and landscaping. Out on the water you will find equally expensive sailboats and rowing/skulling teams practicing together. There are people everywhere – families enjoying picnics and birthday celebrations, friends smiling and sharing, teammates encouraging and cheering, children playing and laughing. Here you will find life and wealth and a glimpse of happiness.

Though I’ve yet to witness it, I know that Lake Volta boasts a very different environment. Dirty. Poverty-stricken. Far from a safe haven. Children out on the water, fishing and working all day long. No picnics and smiling faces. Here you will find death and pain and no glimpse of hope.

And so, I was reminded.

I'm excited and blessed to be apart of the team of 8 that will leave Lake Ray Hubbard tomorrow evening and head to Lake Conroe. While there is always the pressure I put on myself to perform well and not be the "weakest link", I am excited. I am excited because I know this is about so much more than me. This is about our chance to do something a little bit "outside the box" to give life and hope and smiles to some very special kids.

Please pray for our team and drivers this weekend. If all goes according to plan, we'll begin our journey at 7 tomorrow night and complete the route sometime around 10 Saturday morning. Of course pray for safety and health and endurance, but also pray that not a mile would be run without us stopping to be reminded.

(photo taken by C.Field)

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