Time has been flying by, yes? It's shameful that it's taken me so long to get a few simple pictures edited, but... it just has. So long story short, I took a quick road trip down to CS a few weekends ago to hang out with Jeff Wischkaemper, who invited me down for a day of photo work. If you know Jeff, you know that he’s an amazing photographer and has a gift for not only the technical side of capturing images, but the artistic side as well. Saturday was full of swapping cameras and lenses, playing around with macro shots, editing, a bridal shoot that night, and loads of learning on my part. It was such a great opportunity for me to dive back into that realm and get exited about some new possibilities. SO, huge thanks to Jeff. I brought back nearly 600 images to go through, half from random flowers and things around the A&M campus, the other half from our shoot in downtown Bryan. I’ll post a link when those images are up for viewing on Jeff’s site, but here’s a few of my macros from the day. Nothing too professional, but it's a start.
When taking these pictures, I was just in awe of the detail and complexity that could be seen through the lense of a camera. (The whole macro realm is new to me... ask Jeff, I was like a kid in a candy store the entire day!) And this morning going back through them, I am again reminded of the magnitude and depth of my Creator. Words cannot describe the beauty and love that was put into so many simple things all around us.
posted by Gretchen
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