I was 12. She was slightly older, but it was clear from the start that we were gonna be good pals.
It was a long day at school, anticipating Dad picking us up that day after his annual 10-day hunting trip to New Mexico. Finally busting out the doors when the last bell rang, I quickly scanned the street yet didn’t see our car. But I did see Mom with a video camera for the first (and only!) time ever. And I did see Dad grinning as if everything in the world were perfectly aligned at that very moment. And I SURE did see the big white Dodge with a 2-horse trailer in tow. Apparently Dad had ‘fallen in love’ with this horse that his buddy had borrowed for their trip. So a little negotiation later, along with a trailer purchase, and Dad brought home quite the surprise. Daisy was a beautiful Palomino mare. And she was ours.
Trail rides, wild horse chases, barrel racing, mane braiding, summer horse camp, riding lessons, lazy afternoons, pasture escapes (the boys never had anything on this gal), mountain expeditions, canyon exploration and many other adventures followed.
This morning was a sad one at the 4N Ranch as Daisy made her way to greener pastures. It was a good run, ‘ole girl.
***** Correction: It has been brought to my attention that the horse trailer was not originally pulled by the Dodge that day, but the GMC Jimmy instead. Priceless. I would pay money for that video now. See how getting old affects your memory? Case in point. *****
posted by Gretchen
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