Monsoons, Politics, & Pumpkins

posted by Gretchen

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So today we had a mild monsoon. I say 'mild' so as not to attempt a comparison to recent hurricane activity. Cause there is none. But it poured and poured and it was fantastic. I think we're supposed to hit a low of 50 tonight, in which case I might possibly freeze to death. I think I'm turning into that fair weather person I never wanted to be. Hmmm... Bust out the SmartWool socks!

I'm on the final pages of Jesus for President. This one is L-O-A-D-E-D, but oh so good. It's refreshing to read something that puts into words some of my thoughts/views on politics, war, America and such. Not to say that I agree with everything in the book, but I think it's certainly right up my alley. The book also details the political atmosphere back in the good 'ole Bible days, much of which I didn't know. Very interesting. (Side note: I think it's cool that Mike Cope and Randy Harris, two of the Bible profs at ACU, are using it as their textbook for their freshman Bible classes.) If you want to be challenged, this is a good place to start.

There's not much else to report, so I guess I'll have to do a little bragging. How cute is he?!

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