Run Long

posted by Gretchen

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Found this quote about long runs in an article the other day and liked it...

"The question of suffering comes up often when you discuss running with those who don't care for it. These people assume that discomfort is compounded by the mile. How to convince them that, in fact, the opposite is true, that there are gains not realized in shorter runs? Time, for one--unfettered time, free from all the technological intrusions that have altered the rhythm of our existence and increased, for many of us, friction. Time to work out your problems. Time to listen. Every run has its own sound track, but long runs are symphonic: The rustle of wind through bare autumn trees, the train a mile away through the swamp, the thrum of an interstate so insulated from the green tunnel of a tow-path that it could well be the sea. And there is the internal rhythm to consider, the way it leaves your body feeling exhausted but sublimely sated, as if the time you spent in rhythmic friction had answered a question you did not even know you had."

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