The Secret Shop

posted by Gretchen

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Week 1 and a half. Complete. And it's been pretty good. I'm now working in the Special Markets Division working up comps for clients who want their company logo on our watches, sunglasses, etc. That's the short version, the non-design lingo that most general public will comprehend. In addition to working for "Speedy" as it is deemed, I've gotten the priviledge of arranging 600+ watch tins in order on a huge display wall. Great fun... Anyway, we have this employee store at Fossil in which the company stocks items that are overflow or didn't sell or whatever and they discount everything HUGELY for all of us. So I got to go check it last Friday and it reminded me of a favorite elementary moment. Anyone remember Santa's Secret Shop back in the good ole days? I know Mom does because she still has nick-nacks from it displayed at home in all their glory. Since I didn't get into the payroll system at Fossil until this week, I couldn't buy anything last week at the store. It was a mere window shopping experience. Which is fine with me. The pink purses were horrendous. But I remember when December hit in elementary and everyone got their own cardboard gingerbread house bank to save up pennies for Santa's Shop. One day we'd all go to the shop, set up on the gym stage, "just to look" so we'd know what we wanted and how many quarters it would take to get that special "No Place Like Home" plastic window sign, perfect for my Mom's stocking. And after a century had passed, we were finally able to go back and make our purchases. But you had to be quick, for Suzy and Billy also had their eye on the soccer ball eraser that you wanted and there were only so many... And so, the Fossil employee store reminded me of fond memories of Santa's Secret Shop. Thought I'd reminisce a bit.

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