Some Down Time

posted by Gretchen

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Well, Week 2 has come to an end which means the summer is 30% over...hard to believe. Over 170 kids have already come and gone. Lots of learning and excitement going on at camp as the new counselors start to get the swing of things and everyone adjusts to their roles. Here are a few highlights from the last two weeks:

*vaccuuming ants out of my car (thought of you, Abby!)
*watching a beautiful sunset on the backporch
*spa night with the girls
*seeing a fawn no bigger than a small cat while running one morning
*my first contracts
*middle-of-the-night bathroom runs every night this week, each time in which the camper didn't quite make it there on time...
*"hiking" down the ravine, or rather sliding down a huge rock slide with 17 8-10 year olds
*a rodeo show of ponies and a Brahma bull
*figuring out the best combination of butter and salt for our movie night popcorn (Seth and I should go to work for Cinemark)
*catching a lizard in our cabin while 7 10 year olds and co-counselors run around screaming
*ham steaks and "chicken & dumplings" (won't elaborate on that one)
*eating potatoes and beans for banquet as the chicken didn't get cooked (yes Mom, we did eat dessert first)
*RAIN Saturday morning, pouring rain as we attempted to separate bags of 85 campers on the front porch at 7:15 and get them loaded on time; another storm in the middle of last night
*soaking up as much quiet/alone time as I can on the weekends...I've come to crave it

Continue to pray for rain, for the middle schoolers coming tomorrow, for lots of energy, strength, confidence, and love. Be blessed this week!

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