Mod Podge = life-changer

posted by Gretchen

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Ahh... great weekend, though no matter how many extra days there are, I always feel like I need just one more. That's how it goes.

I've been painting all weekend, working on a piece for the Mercy Project Art Auction coming up in a week and a half. I decided it was time to get started! Let me just say, I had forgotten how much I love doing this. I'm working with mixed media collage: various images, textured paper, acrylic, magazine clippings, printed words and phrases, and lots and lots of Mod Podge. That stuff is amazing. I'm always a little anxious while sponging it on, as it looks like it will opaquely cover everything up, but then after some dry time... the amazing-ness is unleashed. I've mentioned this before, but I love, love, love the fact that I get to use my talents and skills to (hopefully) change the world for better. I know that's a bold statement to make, but in a way, it's sorta true. I hope someone will connect with this piece (as well as the other paintings) at the auction, that their heart would be touched and that they would be moved to help the sweet kids in Ghana. Not that they would just make a purchase to help the cause, but that they would hang it in their home and tell everyone who walks through the door about Ebenezer, Abraham, Tomas, and the other 7,000. What a blessing to be apart of that in such a small way!

Here's a little preview. This is just getting started, laying the ground work...

...and this is about halfway through.

...a few close-ups...

Check back to see the finished product!


This week's verse:
... and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that man would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.
Acts 17:26-27

Matt talked about this verse in one of his sermons a few weeks ago, and it really stuck with me. He made the point that God has placed us where we are, in the time we are in, and who we are with for a reason. I don't think that means that God dictates our every move, but it does make me more aware of my surroundings. It makes me 'live in the moment' more and 'wish for a different future' less. It's a good reminder to me this week to take every opportunity to herald the Truth to those I encounter. To be patient, gracious, and invested. To seek God where I'm at, right now.

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